Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wait. What??

  1. London
  2. New York
  3. Paris
  4. Milan
  5. Los Angeles
  6. Hong Kong
  7. Barcelona
  8. Singapore
  9. Tokyo
  10. Berlin
  11. Sydney
  12. Madrid
  13. Rome
  14. Shanghai
  15. Monaco
  16. Las Vegas
  17. Melbourne
  18. Moscow
  19. Amsterdam
  20. Buenos Aires
  21. Bali
  22. Mexico City
  23. Rio de Janeiro
  24. Mumbai
  25. Sao Paulo
Top 4 capitals listed are nothing new. The article expressed surprise that London had overtaken the others to claim number 1. But what me is finding that Singapore is at number 8. Ahead of Tokyo, Sydney and Melbourne. 

Singapore. A fashion capital. More fashionable than Tokyo. Or Sydney. And wait. WHY is Melbourne at 17 while Sydney is ranked 11?? Also, how in the world did Bali make the list?! Oh. One more thing...where's Seoul?

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